Akira Sushi in Owasso: Finally... a reason to stay in town for good sushi!!
When I first heard of this sushi place in Owasso, I'd wondered if it was like most sushi places in small towns...modified, fried and not sushi at all. But, this place was different! Akira Sushi in Owasso rivals the best sushi places in Tulsa and larger cities. The food is fresh, the raw fish, amazing and full of flavor. The rolls were perfect, the salad fresh and vibrant.
The service also rivals that of the best restaurants in Tulsa. Greeted and seated quickly by friendly hostesses and our servers were confident and to the point, with a smile. Now that's what I call a two thumbs up kind of restaurant. This is the kind of place that makes me think Owasso would be a great place to live :-) あなたの健康に!(Anata no kenkō ni! or To your health!)
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